ARMStaffing News and Updates

Stay up-to-date on the latest travel nurse news and industry updates.

ARMS Celebrates Nurses Week!

ARMS Celebrates Nurses Week!

This year, ARMStaffing has given a donation to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center on behalf of all the nurses who have been a part of the ARMS family over the years.

CMS Approves Fast-tracking of Licenses From Other States via Section 1135

CMS Approves Fast-tracking of Licenses From Other States via Section 1135

Section 1135 of the waiver “offfer[s] states new flexibilities to focus their resources on combatting the outbreak and providing the best possible care to Medicaid beneficiaries in their states.” If your preferred-destination state has filed for a licensing waiver with the CMS, you’ll be fast-tracked into your next role, whether you currently possess a single state or multi-state license.