Joining the #ARMSAllied team

Travel Allied fill staffing shortages at healthcare facilities across the country. Working through an agency allows you the freedom to go where you want when you want. If you’re looking for a high-demand career, higher pay, flexibility, and professional advancement, then travel allied is the career move you’ve been looking for.

Megan, RN, ICU

ARMStaffing Nurse Meg Sevi

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How Do You Travel ?


Local contracts are a great short-term way to explore the facilities in your area, especially if you’re looking to settle into a long-term staff position.


Regional nursing is the most popular & involves taking contracts usually only a few hours away from home.


Follow your every whim and enjoy an East coast summer and a West coast winter, the path is up to you.

Start Your Travel Allied Career

Whether you’re ready for a new adventure or looking for something a little close to home, we can help you find the assignment that fits your needs.


    Please review our Terms of Service for more information on referrals and how to claim your referral bonus.

    What is Travel Allied?

    Travel Allied is for Allied Health Professionals who travel a long distance (usually 50+ miles) to fill an urgent vacancy at a healthcare facility. Like Travel Nursing, this offers more pay than a staff position, as well as housing allowances, stipends, etc.

    Search Jobs

    How to Begin with Travel Allied

    Apply Online

    Fill out the quick application above or our full application with some information on your certification, specialty, and preferences. 

    Connect with a Recruiter

    After you apply, you will be matched with a specialized recruiter based on your preferred location and specialty.

    Start Your Journey

    Your recruiter will walk you through the travel nurse process and get you set up to start your journey!

    Our Top Travel Allied Locations

    Travel Allied Jobs in Pennsylvania

    From Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, we work with 95% of the healthcare facilities in Pennsylvania. Enjoy the serene landscapes at one of the many state parks or explore the bustling cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. There’s a travel nurse assignment for everyone in the Keystone State. Connect with an ARMStaffing recruiter today to start your next travel nurse job in Pennsylvania.

    Travel Allied Jobs in New Jersey

    You’ll find an array of travel nurse jobs in New Jersey. Whether you’re all about city life or shore life, we have an assignment that fits your needs in The Garden State. Take a train to NYC, a trip to the beach, or explore the local scene. Connect with an ARMStaffing recruiter today to start your next travel nurse job in New Jersey.

    Travel Allied Jobs in New York

    There’s more to New York than the city that never sleeps. Explore Niagara Falls, the shores of Long Island, and the small historical towns in-between. Of course, if the city life does call your name, we have travel nurse assignments for that too! Connect with an ARMStaffing recruiter today to start your next travel nurse job in New York.

    Why ARMStaffing?

    Health and Retirement Benefits

    You’ll have access to extensive benefits including health, retirement, dental, vision and more.

    Recruiter Matching

    When you apply with ARMS, you will be matched with a specialized recruiter based on your preferred location and specialty.

    Allowances and Reimbursements

    Meals & Lodging Allowance (MLA) & Travel Reimbursement for contract placement.

    Hear From Our Travelers

    I pride myself on being able to go and work any unit, any facility, without orientation. That's the whole point of hiring a traveler. This agency has been easy to work with. My last credentialing experience was easy, one-stop, hassle free. I'd recommend my recruiter Amanda, and Josh made the credentialing easy. Checks are always deposited on time, and I have never had any pay discrepancy.

    Tim, RN

    I love Armstaffing Agency. This is the best travel agency ever. My recruiter Amanda is very professional, friendly and supportive. She answers my messages in a timely manner and finds me the best jobs possible. I don’t see myself working for any other agency different than Armstaffing. Everyone at this agency makes me feel valued and very comfortable.

    Surelki, RN

    I have been with ARMS for 7 years now….my recruiter Liz always comes through for me and knows exactly what I’m looking for. This company always has my back and I stay loyal to them because they stay loyal to me!

    Kristen, RN

    Apply to ARMStaffing Today

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